The Outovator’s Guide to Building a Safety Culture: Part 2 - Benefits
Rakesh Kapoor Rakesh Kapoor

The Outovator’s Guide to Building a Safety Culture: Part 2 - Benefits

A behavior-based safety culture saves lives, saves money—and empowers employees!

Organizational culture transformation is rarely easy - sustained emphasis on behavioral based safety culture enhancement can provide a short circuit path to energizing, empowering and thereby transforming many aspects of organizational culture.

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The Outovator’s Guide to Building a Safety Culture: Part 1 - Introduction
Rakesh Kapoor Rakesh Kapoor

The Outovator’s Guide to Building a Safety Culture: Part 1 - Introduction

Organizational safety culture - both physical safety and psychological safety has a disproportionate impact on the financial performance of the organization. I was not taught this in classrooms - rather it was taught by mentors and by colleagues in the organizations where I worked and for whom I consulted.

For many years I tried to verbally explain how safety culture could transform organizational culture. My verbal efforts had mixed success. Around 2018, I began writing a series of documents, and collecting some tools into a package that has ended up as a blog series.

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